4 definitions by ceebs1234

someone who is always getting lit🔥 and doesnt shower.
person 1: is irish on something?
person 2: shes on ireland silly
by ceebs1234 April 27, 2022
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furry that has herpes
person 1: do you wanna say hi to phoebe?
person 2: no she is a furry who has herpes
by ceebs1234 April 27, 2022
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person 1: look its ihan!
ihan: ceebs
by ceebs1234 April 27, 2022
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a girl with beautiful golden luscious sandy radient gorgeous healthy brunette sparkly gold locks of hair and the deepest bluest ocean turquoise sapphire sky blue orbs.

also is a slay who loves to get litty she’s a crazy gal 😹😹😹
person 1: omg who is that
person 2: omg that is grace she has beautiful golden luscious sandy radient gorgeous healthy brunette sparkly gold locks of hair and the deepest bluest ocean turquoise sapphire sky blue orbs

grace: I’m so high right now
by ceebs1234 May 4, 2022
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