70 definitions by cameron

When you walk in to a room and can't remember why you went into that room.
Going into the pantry to get a loaf of bread, I phipped, and just stood there unable to recall why I was staring into the pantry.
by cameron March 12, 2004
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When male is having sex with a female, when suddenly he pinchs her breats as hard as he can, and pulls his penis out and slams it into her anus while yelling "Pinchers of Pow!"

Asian kid from Goonies style.
Justin gave Kayla a Pinchers of Pow.
by cameron May 4, 2004
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According to the band, anadivine means "learning through music".
by cameron February 23, 2005
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An over-rated game system, with processors possibly equal to the first playstation, and lesser graphics to gamecube and X-Box. It also has a small number of exclusive hit titles. Sorry, but theres no lies there.
by cameron July 31, 2003
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Equivalent to pwned, owned, j00d, laviowned, etc.
"Oh, you got pontooned."
by cameron November 8, 2005
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1. A very cool name meaning the end of the end in a spectacular war between dragons, giants and gods.

2. The best looking and most powerful space craft ever in the Final Fantasy Series (FF8).

3. My nickname
by cameron October 22, 2003
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a man who cuts down trees to for the basis for a new house lot
Gizztree was out again!
by cameron March 31, 2003
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