70 definitions by cameron

a derogitory term used much like Douche Bag oly the flap of skin between your asshole and genitals
You Fucking Gouche Bag
by cameron March 22, 2004
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To eject from both ski's whilst wiping out on a ski run or jump.
Q. Was that wipe-out a double or single ejection?
by cameron March 30, 2004
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to boast; to brag; to put others down and talk oneself up in an arrogant way.
by cameron March 5, 2005
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big fat nugg of really good chronic
dawg we got some kb lastnight we was so blazed
by cameron May 4, 2003
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a state of mind that implies this philosophy:no drugs no drinking no sex unless you are married....no meat is optional.
jonny is straight edge and he wont do any mind altering drugs
by cameron April 13, 2005
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a shirt worn when ready to fight rival gang members
i put on a white t and whup the crip's ass
by cameron November 19, 2003
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