54 definitions by caitlin

Intense, utmost hostility towards someone/something. Bitter detest and cold and merciless disgust.
by caitlin February 8, 2003
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founder of modeling agency Elite. son is Julian Casablancas of the strokes.
John Casablancas founded the modeling agencey known as Elite.
by caitlin April 24, 2005
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A clothing store that it is super en vogue to make fun of. The best way to feign non-conformity is to say you hate abercrombie, but still go in the store to see what's cool, and then make fun of the clothes and the people that work there. You make fun of the ripped jeans, but in the end you sneak in to buy some, because you secretly like them. It's so trendy to hate abercrombie that it is breeding a new kind of "alternative conformity".
All of the tools who made fun of Abercrombie on this website should be congratulated on being trendy enough to jump on the anti-abercrombie band wagon.
by caitlin January 15, 2005
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Shortay4You: Man that party was a lalopalooza...
SmartAss: Dude, your stupid. Its Lollapalooza.
Shortay4You: Shut up! I didnt spell it that wrong dick wad!
by caitlin May 10, 2004
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Stands for Laughing So Hard The Tears Are Running Down My Leg

Almost never used, too long! Most people use LMAO or LOL instead.
by caitlin January 27, 2005
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See coolio. It's meaning is the same of coolio, but this one is usually only used when something is EXTRA cool.
"Man, that lion just ate a LLAMA! Coolioolio yo!"
by caitlin March 29, 2005
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