1 definition by bunnyhoney1972

a city in Northern BC where the ratio of men to women inexplicably dropped to 3:4. The sudden influx of women is predominantly hookers. Resulting wages at Tim Horton's are now $13/hr. Most people need to move away, but can't afford to because the rents have skyrocketed over double what they were in 2009. Many people are fighting excessive inflation by importing parents to live in their basements (rent controlled of course). This city is shaping up to become a retirement community for soon to be defunct oil workers once the site C dam has been completed.
Man 1: Do you need any more boxes for your move to Fort St. John?

Man 2: No, I am packing light! I can't believe I'm bailing out my son's mortage in a partial basement.
by bunnyhoney1972 February 23, 2011
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