8 definitions by brendon

Shorthand for "favorite icon", or the little graphic that appears in the Internet Explorer address bar for some websites. To create one, make a 16*16 8-bit gif file, name it "favicon.ico" and place it in the root of your website.
www.yahoo.com, www.msn.com
by brendon November 19, 2003
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Used to describe ones girlfriend
Hi mate, how's the splitty?
by brendon January 15, 2003
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A dumbfuck; a fucknut; someone more worthless than a peso; your semi-retarded brother who likes to fuck pumpkins.
"Close the door, shitnick, you're letting all the flies in!"

"Stop fucking that pumpkin, shitnick!"
by brendon November 19, 2003
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TSP- Also known as The Side Project. tsp is the best band ever.

Listen to www.purevolume.com/tsp.
Wow, I have never herd a band quite as good as TSP.
by brendon March 28, 2005
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an ass that bruises easily
yo dat broad gots mad peach ass, you smack it once and it up and bruises ... sheeeeit
by brendon February 22, 2004
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The act of having to use the sphincter to break apart a shit, in order to make it into a size that can be managed more easily by your shitty toilet.

Can also be used to describe the act of shitting.
by brendon November 19, 2003
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A slang term used to describe someone who owns or drives a "rice rocket". ("Rice rocket" is a term to describe cars made from asian countries) The term "rice rocket" has been around far longer than the recent fad of "import tuning". The term has been closely associated with "tuned" rice rockets, not stock asian import vehicles. (people who drive stock imports are generally not talked about)
anyone who drives a "tuned" (asian) import vehicle. These people can be commonly found at places like "Pep Boys" or at "Kragen" auto centers. They are usually in aisle 7 shopping for flashy crap to (poorly) accessorize their car.
by brendon January 12, 2005
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