4 definitions by boonviller

Some teeth, a couple of kids, old trailer, rusty Jeep, fading tattoos, two pack a day habit, 38 hour a week job, lives in sweat pants, almost graduated high school, and is ready for another try at rehab.
“I got sooooooo hammered last night I made a pass at Brandi the Beast.”
“OMG, the Missouri Pretty one with the frizzy blonde dye job and the missing front tooth?”
“Yep, that’s her.”
by boonviller December 10, 2021
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A swampy , incestuous red neck breeding ground located in the woodlands of Oneida County, New York between the towns of Lee Center and Camden. TABERG is best known for providing manpower to the local unemployment roles and punchlines for any joke involving public intoxication, animal pregnancy, low intelligence or meth lab explosions. The citizens of TABERG annually mass at their "Field Days" to exchange insults, chew tobacco, drink and fight. Each year the results of the previous years alcohol induced copulations are shown off and judged. Fatherhood is determined by a lottery. Tabergers are suspicious of outsiders and will confront and attack anyone they are not related to or has a full set of natural teeth.
Billy Bob: What’s got 86 legs and 14 teeth?
Cletus: I dunno
Billy Bob: The line for the Taberg Field Days beer tent!
by boonviller September 21, 2021
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Another term for the Covid-19 virus a.k.a Corona. The virus targets the elderly “baby boomer” generation.
Old Hippie: “Tell me, sonny, why do you keep licking your hands and touching things?”
Millennial soy boy: “I coating everything with boomer remover. It’s what we do!”
by boonviller March 16, 2020
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A minimum wage convenience store clerk who is always hitting on female customers. They’re constant flirting and lack of boundaries borders on harassment and stalking.
Some Wawa Don Juan took my wife she has a hot ass so now I’m gonna go buy a gallon of milk and bust his head open.
by boonviller October 11, 2022
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