2 definitions by bobily

1:When getting flashed quickly only seeing one breast then flashed again and finally seeing the othr breat. That set of boobs were laggy boobs.

2: Breasts that mature slowly.

3: A term used by a particular guild in World of Warcraft, best to ask them what their definition is (:
She had laggy boobs
by bobily March 19, 2010
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Achieving your climax from abusing a drug. Most commonly used with Marijuana, Cocaine, and Crystal Meth. At this point you are in a state of nirvana, your mind and reactions are completely controlled by the drug. You feel stuck with whatever happens until you come back down.
(after using alot of a drug)

"Wow guys, I'm stuck."

(sit there quietly and stare while to try to control yourself having little idea of what happening around you.)
by bobily February 21, 2010
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