2 definitions by bobbymcprescott

A phrase commonly uttered by those who can't even do algebra.
I believe teh Science is real, the solution to x^2 + 1 = 0 is real, water is real, Fauci = love, Science = love, so Fauci = Science, therefore questioning Fauci makes you an anti-science bigot. Tl;dr I am better than u.
by bobbymcprescott August 9, 2021
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An evangelist of teh Science. Has a degree in science education and chegged/group-worked his way through all the actual science and math classes he had to take. Teaches your kids teh Science at school by reading word for word from the textbook. Gives them work packets that he found on Google by searching for 'real cool zany science packets.' Doesn't know how to answer any of their questions, but man, does this guy love science! And what he lacks in smarts, he makes up for in zane. He believes teh Science like a good little boy and never questions his Lord and Saviour Dr. Fauci. He's triple masked, vaxxed, and ready to get zany!
Hello, class, I am your Science teacher, Mr. Z. I have a confession to make: I'm not like your last teacher. I'm a fun, Zany Science Guy. And do you know what time it is? It's time. to get. ZANY!
by bobbymcprescott August 11, 2021
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