3 definitions by big tate

this simply states that if a girl is old enough to read then she is old enough to bleed or have her cherry pooped or sex it up.
Tim: man I can't believe you banged that 6 year old.

Mark: man you know what I say "old enough to read, old enough to bleed"
by big tate July 13, 2006
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the use of too much teeth during a blowjob
by big tate January 3, 2006
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the mumbling of a word to mean something bad(mostly marijuana) usually done around grownups so as they don't find out what you are talking about or just done for laughs
yo dude you get any ferber?
yea we ferbersherber all the time
you wanna go ferber after practice?
by big tate January 3, 2006
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