5 definitions by bethel100

Pods means a piece of dog shit. While pos is derogatory, Pods is worse or lower
P.O.D.S James: Hey Jones there 's that Pods Jim Jones: He ain't a pos he is a P.O.D.S
by bethel100 July 10, 2016
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John: Have you seen Donald Trump's economic plan? Jim No.

John It a great plan! it pure Trumpanomics
by bethel100 November 15, 2016
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When Donald Trump is involved in something that fails.
James: Did you see that Donald Trump cancelled his Chicago rally.

Pete: yes I did it was another Trumpcastrophe.
by bethel100 March 12, 2016
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It similar to hangry but when you are beyond hangry you are hissed (Pissed + Hungry)
My wife says when I don't eat I get hangry, but I get really hissed.
by bethel100 March 5, 2018
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When someone your working with doesn't know anything
Well I thought John knew the area well, but he doesn't know diddley fuck.
by bethel100 January 20, 2017
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