9 definitions by bananamilkshakefiend

1:Mean's "i don't give a fuck what (he/she/it/you) thinks about me". Used in a humorous way, usually implying someone or something else is taking offence when this is not necessarily the case.

2:Can also be used as a dismissive term, normally for an inanimate object.
1:(a) - "Yeh anyway Rachel is a twat. GIVE A FUCK PAUL" (implying that Paul has taken this statement as offensive, and you don't give a fuck he is offended, although he may not really be offended at all).

1:(b) - (in a shit club called Gravity) "This club is shit. GIVE A FUCK GRAVITY."

2:(Trying to fix a printer, can't and you are pissed off). GIVE A FUCK PRINTER (implying you don't think highly enough of the printer to get angry about it, even though you clearly are).
by bananamilkshakefiend October 30, 2009
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Sex. Basically defines itself. Stroke is hand action. Poke is poking her with your dick.
Gonna have a bit of Stroke and Poke with that girl.
by bananamilkshakefiend October 30, 2009
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A white girl with a big black woman booty, prized like a White Tiger for her beauty and rarity.
Check the booty on that White Tiger over there!
by bananamilkshakefiend June 25, 2010
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At lare means at your house,hangout, yard, crib. In lair Can also refer to your bedroom.
"Where are you fam?"
"At lare, i'll leave in a minute"

"What you on?"
"In lare in bed with this swingers"
by bananamilkshakefiend November 13, 2009
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A choong girl you've linked or linking.
"Yeh i'm gonna go link that bufflink i was with last week ya get me?"
by bananamilkshakefiend November 13, 2009
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A swingers is a slut,sket,slag,slapper.
"that girl's a swingers she's been fucked by BARE man truss"
by bananamilkshakefiend November 13, 2009
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Mean's what's going on or what is the plan.
"Fam tonite, What is it on?"
"Man's goin to link that bufflink from last nite ya get me?"
by bananamilkshakefiend November 13, 2009
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