2 definitions by bEN jARED mACFARLANE fREEMAN

Having a lot of shrapnel in the form of money, usually in your wallet/pockets.
(At train station)

"Hey niqquers"
"Sup Norbit"
"How much is the train ticket when using these machines?"
"Err usually about £1.20"
"Dayum thats so bad I only have Bare Dolla!"
"Ah unlucky mate, looks like you're gunna gain Bare Coinage."
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To insert Salvia into a bong and light vigorously
"Hey kids do you wanna go B some S?"

"I need a better bong! This is S deserves better."
"Mate I swear daan I B some S like 24/7, standard."
"Why did that ganja make me trip balls? Dude, you weren't bongin' bud... that was some S."
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