7 definitions by avaron

A prank played on a co-worker, typically a schrute
Oh man, he sure pulled a halpert on that schrute over there
by avaron September 28, 2006
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A prank played on a co-worker, typically a schrute
Oh man, he sure pulled a halpert on that schrute over there.
by avaron September 27, 2006
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A negative response by a person being solicited by another person for a late-night hook-up in codewords; recently popularized on the show "The Office" (US version)
Dwight: What about that, um, meeting discuss finances later?
Angela: Okay, but don't expect any cookie.
Dwight: But what if I'm hungry??
Angela: (tersely) NO cookie.
by avaron September 27, 2006
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A negative response by a person being solicited by another person for a late-night hook-up in codewords; recently popularized on the show "The Office" (US version)
Dwight: What about that, um, meeting discuss finances later?
Angela: Okay, but don't expect any cookie.
Dwight: But what if I'm hungry??
Angela: (tersely) NO cookie.
by avaron September 27, 2006
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A word that describes a statement that is both believable yet ridiculous. The statement is such that, if one is told that it is ridiculous and false, they would readily agree so. However, if they were told it was true, they would have their doubts but go along with it.
Alison: Hey... did you hear about that astronaut who rode across the country in a diaper to confront the "other woman"??
Sonali: Wow, really??

Alternate endings:
Alison: Yea, go google it.
Sonali: after googling wow, that's nuts.

Alison: Haha, j/k. That's ridiculous... only a completely insane person would do that. Can you imagine??
Sonali: Yea, haha, you're right. No one would ever do that, not in a million years...

Alison's original statement is totally believabulous.
by avaron March 15, 2007
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The burning sensation one feels in their rectum after having been flatulent the entire day.
Navin: Oh man, I had Taco Bell all day yesterday, and now I have fartburn.
by avaron November 2, 2006
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A public figure who acts straight, and even denounces pro-homosexual policies, yet hypocritically engages in homosexual acts in secret.
Pastor Ted Haggard is homocrite.
by avaron November 5, 2006
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