3 definitions by attentionwhore

Calves that become feet without taking an ankle break.
Look, Mary! Al is making a special anklet for your kankles! It's a kanklet!
by attentionwhore April 22, 2004
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An expression of sheepishness, with a tinge of frustration.
Dagnabbit, I knew I shouldn't have put my tongue in her arse on the first date. Now she thinks I'm a freak.
by attentionwhore October 27, 2003
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They are the biggest hypocrite! So dramatic! Nosey as fuck! Makes their problems everyone else's problems. If there's drama they are near, and they'll always find a way in your business. They are attention whores. If you don't agree with them then they'll come for your life. Doesn't know when "too far" is too fucking far. Rude and selfish and doesn't care about anyone else's feelings but their own. Lies for attention. Life is a whole lie. Probably rich, probably white. Thinks they can get away with everything. Can't ever say sorry and actually mean it. They have the symptoms of a sociopath. They are every type of bully, cyber bully, verbal bully, etc. Don't ever let a Connor be your friend, infact don't ever even look at one. I mean unless you want to be bullied for the next 4 months.

Connor: ooooo let's find a way to make this 10000x worse!
by attentionwhore May 8, 2019
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