2 definitions by asetfahjnresrafdswes

1. A rad town where crazed vegans wear the same pair of pants for nine months straight and give up showering; where water polo players are in the dance show and no one gives it a second thought; where I can see the ocean from my seat in chemistry; and where everyone seems to listen to Le Tigre and 50 Cent is a joke.
2. A show regurgitated by Mtv. They came to our school, took the 5 most photogenic people, gave them fake nicknames, and made them pretend they were really friends. Please don't judge my town by what Mtv tells you, it's actually pretty rad here.

(p.s. zraickenater, i know where you live...)
1. I go to Laguna Beach High School! I can play football and be in the musical and no one will beat me up!!

2. Let's watch Laguna Beach, the Real O.C. and watch LC go get sushi for half an hour!!! RIVETING.
by asetfahjnresrafdswes May 10, 2005
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1. A rad town where crazed vegans wear the same pair of pants for nine months straight and give up showering; where water polo players are in the dance show and no one gives it a second thought; where I can see the ocean from my seat in chemistry; and where everyone seems to listen to Le Tigre and 50 Cent is a joke.
2. A show regurgitated by Mtv. They came to our school, took the 5 most photogenic people, gave them fake nicknames, and made them pretend they were really friends. Please don't judge my town by what Mtv tells you, it's actually pretty rad here.

(p.s. zraickenater, i know where you live...)
1. I go to Laguna Beach High School! I can play football and be in the musical and no one will beat me up!!

2. Let's watch Laguna Beach, the Real O.C. and watch LC go get sushi for half an hour!!! RIVETING.
by asetfahjnresrafdswes May 10, 2005
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