1 definition by aserdfcvghjmkloiujhji9876t5

The best girl you'll ever meet. She is beautiful on the inside as well as out. She may not be the first girl to catch your eye, but is defiantly the funniest in the room. When you get to know her, she will make you smile everyday. Rachael is one of the best people to form a relationship with, because she will never let you down or betray you. She has the most beautiful eyes, like that of a cows. Big brown and you can easily get lost in them. If you get a chance to meet her, take it she will change your life. She is very quiet and shy at first, but once you get to know her she is the most amazing person to know and be friends with.
Dude 1: hey did u see that girl?

Dude 2: yah, Rachael is so smart. I wish she was my girlfriend!
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