541 definitions by anon

A suburban county north of NYC. It's no more upstate then Westchester yet people feel the need to bash it as a "wasteland" near Albany in a futile attempt to make their own hometown feel important. Unlike surrounding areas, the people of Rockland are not arrogant and condescending.
I can hop on the Palisades and get to Midtown in 30 minutes from Orangetown, a lot closer than many of you Rockland-bashers from Westchester and LI.
by anon July 7, 2004
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Online UK Chat service, containing rooms of many types and for various people.
"Hi Chris, I'm going to chat on UKCB"
by anon March 29, 2005
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It means 'pig', it has been used by my grandma for years and is probably the best word ever. Usually said when sitting in a dining room with a slice of batenburg and a cup of coffee loaded with cream.
"eee shes a proper little swine her"
"shes a swine"
by anon August 23, 2004
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A shitty suburb in Southern California consisting mostly of strip malls and concrete wasteland. Where bros, ricers, emos, soccer moms, fat asses, and religous freaks reside .
I am from Temecula , i have no life...
by anon March 18, 2005
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A shitty suburb in Southern California consisting mostly of strip malls and concrete wasteland. Where bros, ricers, emos, soccer moms, fat asses, and religous freaks reside.
by anon March 18, 2005
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1.) Another name for a bastard, retard, or test tube baby.

2.) a Tator Tot in a trailer
1.) Jerry's such a trailertot!

2.) I'm going to my trailer to eat my tator tot, You know, my trailer tot.
by anon March 31, 2005
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Basically means bitch.
From Afro-American origin.
Wassup, bi-atch!
She's just a bi-atch
by anon November 28, 2004
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