12 definitions by angus macfarlane

the word reich means sovereign rule of power a true reich is gods way of assuming authorities in the world there is however no infinite reich there is only an eternal reich
these rulings are based on the holy bible so each riech has definitive teachings which if you read the holy bible properly you will understand they mean very different things and are given by the god of dynasties
i possess a first reich my right to gods word/ eternal life etc and a third riech the right to a self
by angus macfarlane March 16, 2007
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creed: my spirit is from god and will go back to god... my only mission to get to heaven... elves are humanoids that possess a personal heaven that they wish to always be a part of and be they are not mischievious but can or have attained that of the perfect to there perception there will be an elven bible written one day that is why they are percieved magical because heaven lives in them
my brother is an elf or of elven hood
by angus macfarlane March 16, 2007
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as a lawful person believes in the ten commandments and even the eleventh chaotics only have one law and that law is.... et tu kill ... in holy scit it means they have no beliefs or conscience and that until that law can complete itself any chaotic creature is entirely under that laws command. just as we own a holy bible for example in this case the scriptural law et tu kill owns them
i had a freind who was chaotic to my cause ... i had some chaotics jump on me because they new not the law but the law new and owned them
by angus macfarlane March 16, 2007
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the spirit angel of creation ... rises at times of perfection and falls when humans rule over "god" or he never dies
within the god of dynasties lucifer had a child
by angus macfarlane March 16, 2007
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the uniting church is a church that maintains all rights reserved for all people and in doing so allows all things to be possible and allows complex issues to be resolved slowly and lets god manifest in the truth.
i am a member of the uniting church... because all things are possible all the time i must allow all people the right to that belief if i don't "i" am there ruler and therefore assume to be a god and have minions i obey all the ten commandments but in doing so i reserve one for all people to love there neighbour as they love themselves that is my teaching
by angus macfarlane March 16, 2007
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the preservers of the faith of god that is all things preserved... ie born again ... mirical healing ... the list of all things preserved... they preserve also all humans rights to existance
the scots were the first of the presbyterian church and in doing so saved many an old warrior from the grim fate of death by giving them to there daughters to save and birth again by means of divine dynasterial rights
by angus macfarlane March 16, 2007
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a zombie is an undead soul it is humanoid and hence possesses a creed ie being a zombie is possible but hard for humans to attain... it does not thrive of the flesh of other living beings but the flesh of the living god from within
"i had a zombie body" says the living god... back before the flood but i was able to save myself and did not just only live the once few that was close
by angus macfarlane March 16, 2007
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