1 definition by amotherfuckingsorcerer

The name of the demographic cohort between the "Silent" generation and "Generation X," currently called the "Baby Boomer" generation. After the waning of Baby Boomer political power, approx 2030-2040, the newly predominant Millennial generation will update the name of the Baby Boomer generation to the Leaded Generation.

This new name will describe the generation's selfish and misguided behavior, as well imply the causal link between poor decision making and exposure to lead sources (such as lead paint and leaded gas) which were common pollutants prior to the Clean Air Act and other regulatory action.
1) Many families owned homes before the Leaded Generation ruined it for everyone.

2) "Freedom for me but not for thee" - Common Leaded Generation adage
by amotherfuckingsorcerer May 9, 2021
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