2 definitions by altothevin

A new fresh term invented to replace the boring old word 'to jam'. Replacement for the word 'Jam" as in, to play music together.

Let's jam after school= Let's marmalade after school
"What do you want to do tonight?"
"Let's marmalade."

The last time I marmaladed ( past tense of 'marmalade') was with my friends in my basement. We marmaladed to all these Beatles tracks. There was so much marmalade, it was so sticky. (PUN!)
by altothevin October 18, 2009
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The act of stealing one's guitar picks. Term can be used in general stealing, or more specifically-stealing from another one's pocket.
There are usually a vast amount of pickpocketers (those who 'pickpocket') at your local Long and McQuade Music Store.

My stupid friend pickpocketed (past tense of 'pickpocket') me the other day...now I have to finger pick. DAMMIT!

Next time I marmalade (See "Marmalade"), I hope nobody pickpockets me!
by altothevin January 4, 2010
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