7 definitions by alistair

Verb: To take unfairly, to rob.
Alternate Spellings: Gyp, Gip, Jyp.
Shortening of the word Gypsie, as Gypsies were believed to be thieves.
by alistair January 21, 2003
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Phone(3AM): "ring ring ring ring"
Steve: "ehhh......hello...zzzzz"
Me: "ahahahahhahamwahahahahhahmwhahahahaha I phranked you asshole"
Steve: "eh? zzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
by alistair August 13, 2004
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The end something. The phrase usually suggests decline or deterioation, the worn-out remains.
The fag end of the year was cold and damp.
by alistair September 17, 2004
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