104 definitions by ali

noun--a person who splits their pants at a party and then comes back wearing their best friend's pants.
Where did Tyler go? Oh, he's a crack pants. Oh, what a wank.
by ali May 26, 2004
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acronym - dumb fucking user
I dreaded visiting the F corridor, as it is a haven for DFUs
by ali December 30, 2004
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The sexiest gay man alive, who's also on the hit series Queer as Folk.
Randy Harrison fucked Gale Harold all night.
by ali February 11, 2005
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(n) an extreamly small state that might as well just be an annex of Pennslyvania.
Delaware is NOT a city in Philadelphia.
by ali March 18, 2005
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Abbreviated form of Dry Bummed. Literally describes anal sex with no lubrication. Also used to explain the severity of an unfavourable event in the past, present or future.
I got absolutely DB'ed by the boss last night for attacking that customer with a loaf of Kingsmill.
by ali October 25, 2004
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