10 definitions by alb

A team I actually like, along with the Yankees. However, I like the Yankees more. Want to know why? The Red Sox fans are sauntering around, saying the Yankees suck, while they've won the first World Series since 19-freaking-18. Face it guys, the Yankees are better than you. At least for now. If you keep winning the World Series, you'll be the better team. But you haven't truly proven yourselves yet. Yankees are out of your league.
Mazel tov for the win in 2004, though. I was rooting for you.
by alb March 4, 2005
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A series of 10 books that are all really, really long. Only for the most ultimate nerds to read, like me, because only nerds have the patience to get through all the damn books, although they are really awesome. Abbreviation is WOT.
Nerd1: Yay I just finished Shadow Rising! (book 4)
Nerd2: Ha I finished Winter's Heart! (book 9)
by alb April 5, 2005
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An expansion of the MMORPG Dark Age of Camelot. While DAOC was good by itself, Mythic had to go and made TOA which pulls all the level 50's all over the place and makes them go on stupid raids for Master Levels that aren't even worth it in the first place. The only good thing about that expansion are artifacts, which take forever to level.
Why couldn't they skip TOA and just go on to New Frontiers...
by alb December 29, 2005
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The greatest comedy troupe I've ever seen. Michael Palin, John Cleese, Graham Chapman, Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones and Eric Idle make up the group. They're all still alive except for Graham Chapman. Famous for the Flying Circus and the Holy Grail, but there's also the Meaning of Life and Life of Brian.
"Can you spot a larch from a distance?"
by alb June 5, 2005
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Awesome people, and most of the time the best friend of America. But I'm starting to lose faith on my fellow Yanks if we bash the British like that. They never did anything to us since Napoleon...but they did become one of our greatest allies.
I'm pretty damn sure they don't say "cheerio" every other word. -_-
by alb April 23, 2005
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to convince a group of people to do something not in their best interest: i.e., to claim to know directions, and get a group lost.

derived from taking a group to eat at Charlie's Frog Pond, Rochester, NY.
The whole crew wanted to go out to their favorite joint, but John frogponded the trip when he made them go to his parent's instead.
by alb April 3, 2005
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Despite the fact that they are not the realm I occupy, Midgard is in fact pretty cool. They zerg just like Albion and Hibernia, and I haven't heard of one complaining about unfairness like Hibernia. They're the ones who usually get ganked nowadays by the other two realms.

One of the three realms of Dark Age of Camelot.
Midgard isn't that bad, but no way I'd ever leave Albion.
by alb January 4, 2005
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