156 definitions by al

A term used to explain to somebody that you can't control the way things are going to happen or exspect them to happen a certain way.
Person 1: I never win anything
Person 2: Thats the way the cookie crumbles
by al May 31, 2004
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1. Any beer. Particularly refers to heavy, full bodied beers, which can be very filling.

2. Guiness, or Irish Breakfast, as it is also called.
1. I don't need lunch; I just had some liquid bread.

2. Guiness is the closest you'll ever get to liquid bread without putting a loaf of Wonderbread into a blender.
by al February 9, 2004
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cranky, unco-operative, negative; Synonyms: abusive, annoying, bad-tempered, beastly, bitchy, critical, cruel, despicable, disagreeable, distasteful, evil, fierce, hateful, malevolent, malicious, malign, malignant, ornery, owly, ruthless, sarcastic, sordid, spiteful, squalid, unkind, unpleasant, vicious, vile, wicked
It is not fun to be around owly people.
by al August 23, 2003
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This expression was first coined in reference to hastily drawn out, or sketched, building/construction plans, which were uncertain at best and disastrous at worst. The overall thread of meaning is the same, but now applies to morality/legality. On the overall continuim of goodness, things progress, in order: safe, sketchy, shady, outright criminal.
Getting wasted and gambling away half your paycheck in Nevada may be legal, but its definitely sketchy.
by al February 26, 2004
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An ugly female.
An ugly female often seen with attractive females.
Often it is the case of when several girls are noticed, all are pretty and one is ugly. Comes from the image of a beautiful serene lake and the view is spoiled by a soda can that has been thrown in the water.
"That bitch ain't nothing but a soda can."
by al May 10, 2006
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1. Mid-level programming language that provides extreme versatility, given a willingness to perhaps spend months writing a program.

2. Grade earned as a direct result of sexual favors.

3. Right up there with capping rival drug dealers and playing out hos in the gangbangin' world.
1. #include <iostream>
int main()
{std::cout << "this is c++\n";
return 0;}

2. Michelle got a c++ because she went down on the teacher. Otherwise, she couldn't have managed an F.

3. Now that urbandictionary.com has definitions for c++, look for words like "accounting" and "1040EZ form", which are also closely linked to life on the streets.
by al October 12, 2003
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1. State of complete intoxication (ie, hammered, floored, wasted, smashed, destroyed, etc...).

2. When the total cost of repairs to a vehicle excedes the total appraissed value of the vehicle.

3. On a driving penalty scale, one up from DWI 3rd offense, one down from attempted automotive manslaughter (except in states where the above are equivalent).
1. I got so totaled I passed out on the bar last night.

2. My insurance provider told me to start looking for a new car when I totaled mine.

3. Al: I was drinking and driving last night, and something bad happened.
Al: Nah, I totaled my car.
by al October 14, 2003
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