25 definitions by ae123456

adj: To describe someone who falls asleep or falls into a comatose like state at an important event such as a party, due to their large consumption of alcohol.

past tense/noun: pooner
Example 1:
Ashley: OMG! Look at Abby is passed on the couch, it looks like she's a zombie!

Greg: Yeah man that bitch is poonin out.

Example 2:

Mary: Where the hell did Mike go? He was supposed to be my partner in beer pong?!

Jake: Uh, Last time I saw him he was hugging the toilet, then he passed out and smashed his head off the bathtub...

Mary: what a fucking pooner!!
by ae123456 January 15, 2009
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Team Canada wins the gold against Team USA with 12 minutes & 20 seconds left in overtime (thanks to the MIRACLE goal scored by Crosby) on Februrary 28th at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. Thus Canada has earned 14 gold medals in total (breaking a former record held by the former Soviet Union for 13 gold medals at the 1976 Innsbruck Olympics).

hockey is Canada's game, don't get it twisted!
by ae123456 February 28, 2010
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noun: an invention made by stoners to deter the smell of marijuana. Commonly used while smoking weed in a place of residence.

It is made using an empty toilet paper roll, with bounce (dryer) sheets stuffed inside. Depending on preference, the one end of the tube can be creased inwards so that it molds to the mouth while you blow out the smoke.

see also: doob tube
I stuffed my doobie toobie with 10 mountain breeze bounce sheets.

You never would've thought that a pothead would be smart enough to invent something so randomly cool.
by ae123456 January 19, 2009
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noun: the first day of the new year, following extreme drinking from the previous evening (New Years Eve).

Today the world is a quiet place. Most businesses are closed, and all people are sleeping soundly in their beds, on couches, or wherever else they may have crashed on the previous night. This is the day that most people around the world are recuperating from the previous night of drunken new years celebrations.
I hereby declare January 1st the official day of recovery, happy new years!
by ae123456 January 1, 2010
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see also: constipated, constipation

v: The act of squeezing an unfortunately large poo out of your butt no thanks to being constipated.
After a few days of my feces just camping out in my bowels, I finally felt the urge to pound a camper.
by ae123456 January 15, 2009
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adj: someone who stirs up drama, usually for no valid reason what so ever.

see also: Kanye West, Kanye'd, Ye'd, ultimate douchebaggery, asshole
Kanye West is a big shit disturber, who loves drama.

He stole the spotlight shamelessly from Taylor Swift at the 2009 VMAs, proclaiming Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time. Someone really needs to take that bottle away from his dumbass
by ae123456 September 14, 2009
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adj: describes a person whom is extremely freaking tall. This person is so tall and that that they tower pretty much over every single person they chill with. You can see this person literally from a mile away.

synonym's: lanky, tall
Hey have you seen my buddy Lankasaurus anywhere? Oh wait nevermind...
by ae123456 January 15, 2009
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