6 definitions by aanniigg

a boyfriend of many many years who ends up cheating on you with a white trash slut whore thus becoming an ex-boyfriend and then gets her pregnant
" What ever happened between you and so and so? "

" Oh...you mean the slut whore fucker? "
by aanniigg January 5, 2010
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" hows your cat doing? "
" oh...you mean tiggbrother?"
by aanniigg August 3, 2010
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dude...that chick wont stop staring at me! She must have paranoid glaucoma.
by aanniigg October 14, 2010
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holds higher ranking than those of the mile high club, earning them cherry-edible rights
" For the Harvest Queen contest, she won the miss hymen-trophy. "
by aanniigg November 10, 2011
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one who hangs out in bars because she cant find a corral..someone in need of a saddle
" lets go to the pub and see if we cant find us a bar donkey to ride"
by aanniigg August 3, 2010
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cherry eater; the swifter upper for the down lipper
" Her dirty diaper called for a reinforced piper hymen wiper. "
by aanniigg November 10, 2011
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