1 definition by Zoe115022

The definition of chloe is a beautiful, amazing, gorgeous, adorable, cute, and everything wonderful. Except for hot because that's degrading if i remember correctly ;) Theres no one in the world like a chloe. She's the best friend anyone could ask for. She's selfless, and TOO selfless she thinks TOO much about others. She is thoughtful caring and fucking hilarious. She's there through the good times and the bad and is always there to support you <3 She's the biggest dork on this whole wide world but hey, that's what makes her so damn cute and amazing. Anyways she's a girl that is literally impossible to love She's the kind of girl who if you hurt her, her friend zoe will take your nuts/boobs and gorrilla glue them to your face then tattoo i'm a cockloving slut on thier cheeks. Anyways yes, that is the definition of a chloe.
Chloe is amazing xD
by Zoe115022 April 10, 2013
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