24 definitions by Zami Karzai

when you make a financial gain you make money or accrue valuable things by fair means or foul.
Some girls are always on the qui vive for making a financial gain out of every date possible.

Similar usage: Make a political gain
by Zami Karzai September 9, 2018
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to be finally selected
For every music album, song-writer writes many more songs out of which 12 or 15 are selected for the release, the rest that don't make the final cut are released in the Deluxe version of the album later on.
by Zami Karzai September 22, 2018
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To achieve the standard that you are capable of
The teacher’s job is to help you reach your full potential.

Be proud of your progress and keep taking steps forward no matter how small, you'll eventually reach your full potential and you'll look back on the days you thought you'd never make it and you'll smile and be proud that you never gave up on yourself!

Synonym: Realize your full potential
by Zami Karzai September 13, 2018
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To make two people or groups oppose each other so that you can gain/get an advantage from the situation.
Politicians often play both ends against the middle by bringing up religion into the politics.

Synonyms: Work both ends/sides against the middle.
by Zami Karzai September 2, 2018
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Someone who has a habit or tendency to compare people or things.
She seems a comparo-meter to me as she always compares you with her past boyfriends.
by Zami Karzai August 10, 2018
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