5 definitions by Zachary Gibbons

Humanoid aliens with two lekku ("brain tails") emerging from the back of their head. Consequently they have no hair, and some say no hair anywhere - as Ryloth is something of a hot world. They come in a variety of colours including pasty white and several shades of green, blue and red (dying out). Twi'leks have a strong but little-known warrior culture.
Aalya Secura is a Twi'lek Jedi, the only Star Wars character to appear in the Expanded Universe before the movies.
by Zachary Gibbons September 22, 2004
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Ewok war cry that was adopted by the members of Wraith Squadron to signify a long joke, following Wes Janson's elaborate trick on his commander involving an Ewok who wanted to be a pilot.
Yub, yub, Commander! - Lt. Wes Janson
by Zachary Gibbons September 22, 2004
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An ancient car or ship, covered in rust. May also be an affectionate term for a merely old ship.
Look at that rustbucket! I'm surprised the thing holds together.
by Zachary Gibbons September 22, 2004
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Slicer first appeared as a synonym for hacker in Timothy Zahn's Star Wars novel Heir to the Empire. It's a Star Wars word.

Ghent (as seen above), incidentally, appears in HTTE.
"There are slicers out there who eat government encrypt codes for breakfast."
by Zachary Gibbons April 13, 2004
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TIE - standing for Twin Ion Engine, a generic name for the Imperial line of starfighters with two ion engines and two or three shaped solar panels.
TIE fighters are nippy little things, but even a brush with a quad laser and... BOOM!
by Zachary Gibbons September 22, 2004
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