26 definitions by ZT

One angry ass hurricane!

It layed the smack down on New Orleans.
"Katrina pwned us!"

"Yeah dude, now gas prices suck ~~"
by ZT September 3, 2005
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Noun: African-American

Adjective: Of or relating to African-American culture

Verb: To do something phat.

Sometimes used as a compliment.
noun: "The new BurgerKing manager is a negro."

adjective: "Thats wall is mad negro!"

verb: "I negro'd that biatch, holmes."
by ZT June 7, 2005
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A male orgasm.

Usually used in a situation in which more cum is shot out of the penis than on a normal orgasm.

Similar words;
cum shot, load
"I wanksploded all over that biatch's face last night!"
by ZT June 7, 2005
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Someone who fails miserably at the internet.
"how do i check my email lol?"

"Dude, you're such an internoob"
by ZT December 31, 2005
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A collection of threads situated on a bbs.
"Some bitch is spamming my forums, lets hax him!!1"
by ZT August 29, 2005
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