26 definitions by ZT

Something which is completely awesome.

Also the name of a fictional drink (originating from the StickToons cartoon series similar to duff beer on The Simpsons)

Also an indie records label
"Dat shyts straight pimpcola, mayne"
by ZT July 5, 2006
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FTW is an acronym which means "For the win"
"did you see the new ytmnd?"

"new ytmnd ftw =D!!1"
by ZT September 3, 2005
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A famous lesbian.

An example would be Xena, the awesome lesbian-warrior-princess combo from hell. Good stuff.
Kid watching TV: Dude, it's Rosie O'donald!

Friend: Eww! She's nasty, definatly not my favorite dycon.
by ZT June 6, 2005
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to be incomprehensibly late.
"Ugh, fuxxing kentoss is aljading again, where the fuck is he?!"

"I need you man! Dont fuxxing aljade on me!"
by ZT May 10, 2006
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Beefy time is time to go have homosexual relations!
friend: "Hey dude, wanna play at the billards?"
fag: "Nah dude I got shit to do"
friend: "What is it, like beefy time or something?"
by ZT October 14, 2005
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a DJ.

The name is an abreviation for "Super Green X"

Which means, "Really cool"... "X"
GuyAtParty, "This shit is uber pwnage!1"

Guy2, "Feck yeah it is, it's SGX!!1"
by ZT June 9, 2005
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To end life.

This is what the code would look like if it were written in BBCode (the simplfied version of html used in forums)
un-1337: "*something stupid*"

1337: /life plzkthx
by ZT June 9, 2005
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