43 definitions by Ysengrim

A university located in Toronto, Canada, with a big sunny campus and a quite proactive gay and lesbian integration policy. The third largest university in Canada.
by Ysengrim January 3, 2004
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Partially an antonym for shemale. A strongly masculinized short-haired bisexual woman, who wears a suit, a man's hat, pants, a white shirt, a black tie, and entertains the intimate company of some bisexual {slutboy
The Mistress: Kiss your he-female in the neck, slutboy. Come on, come on...
by Ysengrim January 1, 2004
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When you suck a cock, if you slide your tongue between the head and the headskin and proceed to a long lingual caress of the headskin from within, you are licking the stamp.
Oh baby, oh, oh... lick the stamp, yes, lick the stamp of my cock! Oh yes... yes...
by Ysengrim January 3, 2004
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A dominatrix with a whip. Even if the whip stayed in the closet, the whipcracker remains perfectly recognizable. She is usually at the same time very angry, impossible to seduce, and the most beautiful person of the evening.
Believe it or not, her own choosen name was Mistress Bitch. She was a major whipcracker. I will love her forever.
by Ysengrim January 2, 2004
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A lesbian who decided to keep her coming out strictly for herself and her intimates. Social conformity is not the only reason for the crypto-lesbian option. The thrill of dissimulating one's real nature to the social milieu can be a major incentive for such an option as well. Very often a crypto-lesbian is actually a discrete bisexual.
Daphne DuMaurier was a crypto lesbian.
by Ysengrim January 2, 2004
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An advertizing paradox. The best way to exacerbate the internet user against your product. One of the major mistakes of electronic communication. Doomed to disappear soon.
The only porn that turns me off is pop up porn...
by Ysengrim January 3, 2004
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The antonym for misogynist. A woman who hates men.
A misogynist is a conservative promoter of patriarchalism in decline. A misoandrist is an angry human being who struggles to accelerate that hopeful decline.
by Ysengrim January 2, 2004
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