2 definitions by WrestlingMachine

Famous battle cry of the bad ass mother f**kers on the Northshore wrestling team.
Okay bitches, break it out with panthrax on three.




by WrestlingMachine March 26, 2005
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The toughest sport out there, in which you go for as many as 5 days with no food, 2 without water, and work out in a sauna after impossibly intense normal practices to make a low weight class. You then beat the shit out people in 6 minute matches, some of which last up to 10 minutes if they go to overtime. No pussy rests like in football and no slow pace like in soccer. It is all out tooth and claw WAR for 6-10 minutes against a MAN your exact size who has trained all season to kill YOU. After a match, the you are nearly dead and sometimes cannot stand. You will eventually stand and then fight up to 5 times in one day.(Up to 50 minutes of pure hell.) If you are tough and survive the first day you then go home, get six hours of sleep or less, and do it all over again, with your opponents getting tougher every match. You will probably have been injured at this point and have to fight through it.

Last man standing gets to call himself the champion.

In order to be good at this sport you have to give up all unhealthy foods and train hard at least 3 times a day.
You can play football, soccer, hockey and rugby but you cant play wrestling.
by WrestlingMachine March 25, 2005
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