14 definitions by WootALoot

A girl with an extremely large taint. Generally hairy or smells of fecal matter.
That girl I boned last night had a taintapotomus.
by WootALoot July 8, 2009
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When one leaves a massive greasy shit in an office or Government Mandated facility on a Friday evening for other office personnel to find on Monday morning.
Holy smokes batman! Someone left a nasty weekend warrior in here and Bossman found it, Hes on a rampage to fire someone over it.
by WootALoot July 13, 2012
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A Sexual act where while having vaginal intercourse you attempt to slip your scrotum (the stump) into the vagina with the shaft (Or trunk).
Guy 1 : Hey man, I was banging this chick last night for the first time and I was trying to put my balls in her vag. along with my dick.

Guy 2 :Your an idiot, You can't just pull a stump grinder on a girl, on the first date!
by WootALoot December 14, 2009
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When you take such a massive shit you are in disbelief that it came out of you and your anus is in such poor condition that you have to wear sweat pants for a week. You officially took a Haggard Shit
Sorry Boss, I am not gonna be able to make it in today, I took such a Haggard Shit last night that my anus is still bleeding.
by WootALoot December 15, 2009
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When a girl is so eager for a man to cum she wants to ceremoniously imbibe it like it’s some kind of precious nectar and she inhales it into her lungs and is lucky if she doesn't end up with Aspiration pneumonia.
Man 1: Dude, that girl last night was very impressive with her cum inhalation skills.

Man 2 :So is your mom..

Man 1 : No.. Your sister can really Cum Inhale.
by WootALoot December 15, 2009
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When someone is a little cunt and wont shut up and keeps bitching.
Omg that kid is being such a Strangled Vagina, I wish he would just shut up.
by WootALoot July 14, 2009
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The act of secretly pleasing another mans desires at the workplace.
I've had to fahloogal with a bunch of guys to get where I'm at in this company.
by WootALoot February 18, 2018
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