8 definitions by Wingman, 1st Degree

A country in which all of its inhabitants can't understand why everyone hates them. As well, claiming that US propaganda and the European Union make them seem like terrorists. They don't need any fucking propaganda: the truth is worse enough.

The reason your country is going to shit is because you don't hand over your war criminals. It's one of your requirements to join the Union, just hand them over you cunts.
Thousands dead, thounsands raped, millions displaced.

You want to tell me that Serbia did nothing wrong?
by Wingman, 1st Degree June 11, 2006
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The country Hitler wasn't born in.
Guy 1: Hey, do you know where Hitler was born?

Guy 2: Not Germany.

Guy 1: k.
by Wingman, 1st Degree June 4, 2006
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A term used when "wtf," "watafa" or any variants on "What the fuck?" just DON'T apply.

Implies that your confusion to whatever has been said/done is gargantuan, like the dinosaurs.

Essentially the "wtf" version of "lollerskates," "roflcopter" and the rest.
Dad: Son...I have something to tell you. Your dog is your biological father, and I am just the she-male that video taped and occasionally participated in the night you were concieved.

Son: Watafasaurus.
by Wingman, 1st Degree August 13, 2006
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The act of not putting out at a party, specifically for girls. Can also refer to a crack team of cock blocking friends that travel in packs to protect one another.
The girl had some tight security, so I didn't get laid.
by Wingman, 1st Degree May 24, 2006
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A group of Jewish volunteers during the Holocaust who would help the Nazis exteriminate their own people. In return for their co-operation, these Jews would recieve clean bed linens, vodka and other luxuries unimaginable by the people they helped to eradicate. Every 4 months they're replaced by another crew, as uprisings have occured, particularily in Sobibor and Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Widely considered the most despicable people during this time, all of the Sonderkommandos who survived the death camps were brutally killed by captive Jews.
Sonderkommandos were worse than the Nazis.
by Wingman, 1st Degree June 3, 2006
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A name used to describe any MP3 players that resemble iPods. Often half-heartedly bought and obviously shows the buyer's need for an iPod.
Guy: What kind of MP3 players IS that? Just get an iPod, don't buy an iWish.
by Wingman, 1st Degree August 13, 2006
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The book that suddenly makes everyone an expert on religion. A realization must be made that the Da Vinci Code is based on things we possibly know, but aren't sure, but quite probably could be true but not really.
Apparently by reading the Da Vinci Code in 2 weeks or so, I know more than historians who have been studying religion for years.
by Wingman, 1st Degree June 4, 2006
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