22 definitions by WindowLicker9000

A You Tube celebrity that wades in drainage ditches to hunt snapping turtles. He is currently up to 1.8 Million hits. He might be one of the biggest hillbillies of all time. His technique is to feel out the turtles with his feet and then yank them up and shriek out loud. Heeee-yip!

Turtle Man Quote - " I try not to smile cause I got ma teef knocked out by a chain saw."
Did you see the Turtle Man get bit by that huge snapper?
by WindowLicker9000 January 29, 2010
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Butt Slammed is when something is ridiculously crowded or busy.
by WindowLicker9000 February 2, 2010
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The female version of being "pussy whipped." A woman who will do absolutely anything for a man or his cock.
Damn Heather, can't believe you are doing Matt's dishes, cock-owned!
by WindowLicker9000 May 16, 2010
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The character Jim Halpert uses from "The Office" to fuck with Dwight Schrute during a customer sensitivity drill over the phone in front of Michael Scott.
Jim Halpert: Hi, This is Bill Buttlicker and I'd like to buy some paper.

Dwight Schrute: Wait, that's not really your name, Bill Buttlicker?
by WindowLicker9000 February 4, 2010
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A favorite past time of a redneck in possession of a jacked up pickup truck with oversize tires. This is quite simply the act of driving fast down back roads in search of roadkill and re-stomping the hell out the already dead animal. Particularly, deer are prime target as they make the most mess when stomped and hence the terms derivative. Its the human way of aiding in roadkill decomposition.
Hey Carl, lets git some buttweiser and go deer stomping. I'm gonna truck me a dead possum today. Donald stomped a deer yesterday and had an intestine hanging from his mirror.
by WindowLicker9000 April 17, 2010
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When you have just gorged yourself silly at breakfast lunch or dinner and stand up to announce to your dinning company that your "full bloated"

Accepted commonly in redneck circles as compliments to the cook.
by WindowLicker9000 April 17, 2010
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A synonym for ghetto booty. When a lady has an ass large and protruding enough to stand up the entire framed family picture album on.
Yo dat bitch Rita got a huge dump ass.
by WindowLicker9000 April 17, 2010
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