5 definitions by Welp69

Man that’s truf that he did that
by Welp69 November 16, 2019
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National hickey day give a boy or a girl you know a hickey 😘🤭
Me:Hey I gave Sam a hickey on November 16. Friend: why? Me: cuz it’s was national hickey day
by Welp69 November 16, 2019
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It is national movies day so go watch movie with someone you love or think is fun in the theaters or at home.
Julie: it’s April 24 yk what that means

John: it’s movie night !
John and Julie: yayy!
by Welp69 April 24, 2021
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National watch a movie with someone day go out and text or call someone you love or think is cool and watch a movie with them in theaters or at home!
Julie: hey John its April 24
John: ok so what does that mean?
Julie: it’s national watch movie with someone day

John: oh yeah I’m down to watch movie

Julie: great!
by Welp69 April 24, 2021
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National movie buddy day go watch a movie with the person you love or think is fun it can be in theaters or at home!
Julie: hey John you know today is April 24 you know what that means

John and Julie: national movie buddy day!
by Welp69 April 24, 2021
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