5 definitions by WatchingNetflix

The right move.

Used when making or confirming a proposal of activity.
1: I'm feeling a 9pm gym angle tonight 🤨
2: I'm in🤙

1: Yo wanna play league in an hour?
2: I don't think that's the angle 🤢

1: We going out to the bar tomorrow you coming?
2: Angle.
by WatchingNetflix August 2, 2022
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Someone who asks to take a picture with an encountered celebrity purely because they are famous, even though they don't care for their work or know any of their content and just want to have a photo with them.
*fan taking a picture with a streamer*
andy (*sees it and shows up*): oh hey man I love your... stuff. Can I get a picture too?
streamer: yeahhh, sure ig
*andy leaves*
streamer: was that guy a famous picture andy
by WatchingNetflix July 18, 2021
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The response best given to something that couldn't be further from the truth. The reason why you say it anyway is because you're either trying to make someone laugh, pissed off or both.
Girl: Omg so I posted a story of myself in a bikini and this one guy DMed me to tell me I'm a slut.
Dude1: Wait, true actually!
Dude2: *laughing*
Girl: fk you guys
by WatchingNetflix January 13, 2021
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When your suggestiveness makes someone unable to reject doing suggestive things with you.
- How do I look in my new lingerie?
- Damn, girl, you gon' make me act up.
by WatchingNetflix December 6, 2020
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A group of individuals who were in Paris.
Niggaz in Paris.
by WatchingNetflix February 10, 2021
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