11 definitions by WannaBeCow

'LOLed' is the past tense of LOL(laughing out loud) but does not make sense as it means 'laughing out louded'. But the person wants to say 'laughed out loud'. It is used very rarely, and is used mostly by internet dumbos, lazyasses and blondes.
I LOLed yesterday on hearing that joke. Hehe!!!! Hello? U therrr??? LOL!!!!
by WannaBeCow September 3, 2006
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Cristiano Ronaldo, who plays for Portugal. He was named the sexiest player of Euro 2004 and World Cup 2006 by Gay Krant, a Dutch gay magazine. His name Ronaldo is from Ronald Reagan who was his late father's favorite actor.
Guy: That Ronaldo is an ugly cheater.

Gay guy: Shut up you moron!!!
by WannaBeCow August 27, 2006
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Movies made by Indians, usually not in India. So they shoot the movies in NY, Dubai, Singapore, etc. and show it as India. These movies are enjoyed only by Indian people, who enjoy watching movies with almost the same story with the same song dance routine. These people also workship their Indian Movie stars. Mainly, Shah Rukh Khan and Amitabh Bachhan.

Indian movies are usually remakes(which are unauthorized i.e. they steal the plots, story, the whole damn movie) of Hollywood movies.
American Guy: I don't watch Indian Movies when I'm sick because they make me puke with their dances and scary makeup.

Indian Guy: You stoopids has no sense of good film!!!
by WannaBeCow August 27, 2006
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Ekta in hindi means unity.
Ekta is also a popular and very common girl's name.
We should all have ekta in our country.
by WannaBeCow August 16, 2006
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Someone you can fuck/have sex with. They're not hot but you wouldn't mind JUST hittin it.
Serena Williams is fuckable.
by WannaBeCow August 30, 2006
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Word to describe someone who is overweight but not obese.
Nicole Richie used to be plump before she started withering away.
by WannaBeCow August 30, 2006
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The word "sexy" when pronounced by an old drunk man.
Old man: Ohh miee miee thath is sexayyy!!
by WannaBeCow August 27, 2006
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