3 definitions by Walk-D.M.C.

The action of setting a pickle jar lid on fire with birthday candles and natural sunlight. Popularised in the mid 1980s by the Russian Militsiya, specifically in Moscow.
"Hey man what's Ol' Jim doing over there?"
"Oh that? He's just having a bit of a busc"
by Walk-D.M.C. July 30, 2020
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Similar to 'A bit shit'.
"Hey there Sam, what did you think of Daniel's new music video?"
"It was a bit Bristol, ngl"
by Walk-D.M.C. July 30, 2020
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A good looking American girl with bangs, a basic music taste and a strong hatred towards awkward British men.
"Ah man, Lena left me on read again"
"You're awkward and British, what did you expect?"
by Walk-D.M.C. May 20, 2020
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