1 definition by Wakle

I'm proud of being Icelandic. I'm sure you're patriotic too of your country. And I've been reading definitions about Iceland not wanting to be Norwegian and I'm saying that I don't have any problem with the fellow Norwegians out there.

Its quite a conflict on this site.
Personally I think that Iceland should get over the fact that it used to be Norwegian territory. And my father came from Iceland and I've lived in Norway for seven years now and I've met the most nice and clean people ever.

No they wouldn't be in trouble without their Oil. Vikings didn't all come from Norway either. Some came from Sweden. All of Scandinavia. And plus you're all descended from Norwegians who probably loved you.

Did you notice? Oh wait it's probably because you just wanted to start a show for the whole Urban Dictionary. My father who was Icelandic born there and everything is too descended from other Scandinavians who I love.

So now that I've mentioned it no one needs conflict. And I think that people who like to cause conflicts are simply uneducated little cretins with no talent.

I'm still proud of being Icelandic.

Peace People
by Wakle September 17, 2007
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