4 definitions by WackyJack

The comments that are found at the bottom of every article written by Yahoo Staff. In this section, you would expect to see feedback RELEVANT to the article that was intelligent and constructive. But like any comments section on any website these days, it is polluted by the usual suspects:

1. The Critic: The person who instead of critiquing the article, attacks the writer and their abilities. Comments like these are generally common towards Yahoo writer Chris Chase.

2. The Political Nut Job: These ones I hate the most. It is the guy/girl who turns an article that is completely unrelated to politics, and works up some conspiracy involving the article subject and one or more of the following: 9/11, George W. Bush, Obama, Republicans, Democrats, Tea Party, The Economy, Health care reform, Tax-Cuts,etc,etc...you get the idea

3. The Racist: Usually tries to associate the subject matter into some form of racism (Usually involving Obama too).

4. Spam: Close to 25% of Yahoo's comments anymore. Usually deal with date sites, crappy porno sites, etc.

5. The Illegible Writer: This one is just annoying as fuck. Someone who writes a comment which could have potential, but is marred by the god-awful grammar. And I'm not just talking about things like using "u" instead of you.
Some typical examples of Yahoo Comments:

1. The only thing worse than this economy is Yahoo's writers.

2. Well its very touching that the soldier was re-united with his wife, but it would've have happened if George Bush didn't send us to Iraq. He's the true criminal in all this! He staged 9/11 and planned for our economy to fail.

3. Yo man that's straight up racist man! Just another example of the white man keeping us down.

4. OMG I'm like 26 years old and hot, sexy, and single. I just met this guy through www.datenow.com VERY EASY to use and you will meet your soulmate within a click of your mouse!

5. liek i wuz ageein wit wut he sayd butt i beleeve that tacts cuts r gr8t 4 the economy
by WackyJack December 9, 2010
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April 15: The shittiest day in April AKA Tax Day AKA The due date to file your taxes.

The day where hundreds of thousands of procrastinators form miles-long lines to the post office at 11:50PM on April 15 because they waited until the last minute to file their taxes. (Even though you get 4 months to do so)

To add to the suckiness of this day, it is also the anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's assassination and the sinking of the Titanic.
That Sucks Day is basically an American tradition/holiday in itself

To celebrate That Sucks Day, it is fitting to go to your local post office and laugh at the idiots waiting in line five minutes before midnight because you filed your taxes months ago
by WackyJack April 12, 2011
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A stupid ass trend/game/fad that has recently popped up on Facebook. To play this "game", you post on your wall that you want your friends to message you with a number. After the number is recieved, the original poster posts the number, as well as his/her thoughts about the person.

This would not bother me so much if it didn't flood the hell out of my wall. I check my FB for a grand total of 10-15 minutes each day, and this is all I see.
To quote one of the posts:

" The Facebook Number Game - send me a # (0-500) to my inbox and ill tell you whats good. I'll post the number along with the answer on my page,
so only you know who it's about"

What a load of shit. Its already bad enough I have to filter through all the game updates, pointless status posts, and all the general crap Facebook has added in the last year.
by WackyJack December 9, 2010
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The feeling of not remembering certain parts of the previous night, similar to a slide machine missing slides in a slide show. Usually caused by excessive consumption of alcohol.
An example of a Slide Missing:

Frank: Hey man, what happened last night after Sally poured beer all over John?

Jack: No idea man. There are a few slides missing from last night.
by WackyJack December 4, 2010
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