5 definitions by WNYmathGuy

This is when a person is a very good student of a teacher that teaches incorrect information. The result is an unschooled individual.
I found out my mom was so unschooled that she thought the Jews were modeled off the Christians.
by WNYmathGuy February 1, 2011
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A legal business entity that:
- begs for its income like a well-dressed pan-handler,

- and ensures it spends most of that income on executive pay, and advertising to get more income,

- then spends most of the rest on services run by friends of the executives,

- and gives a pittance on most of the employees that keep them operating.
Typically they don't solve the problem they are raising funds for.
Most of the profit in the healthcare isn't in the hospitals, it's in the non-profit entities.
That Susan G Komen For the Cure spent 60% on advertising and payroll, but only 5% on treating cancer; I guess she's a non non-profit.
by WNYmathGuy April 15, 2017
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The principal whereby whatever a cool person does becomes the way to appear cool for non cool people.
When this principal is applied to politics it refers to an action that Barack Obama does, because once he does something that nobody did before, every candidate begins doing it, even republicans.
(I think that off camera Barack should do something un-cool just to see Hillary copy him and look the plastic frontin' poser fool that she is.)
That was so BaracKool that everybody's gonna' be copyin' you.
"We should have dialog with our national enemies too," said Barack Obama said during a debate. Clinton made fun of him for saying it during the debate then later realized 'we the people' thought it was a great idea, so she started saying we should talk to all countries, but she forgets to credit Barack for thinking of it.
Or the Change, Hope slogans getting adopted by all candidates in both the big parties.
by WNYmathGuy February 11, 2008
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The style of reporting that has grown rapidly in popularity since the establishment of the FOX News company. This type of reporting cuts tiny pieces of real stories out of their surrounding context and reassembles them in a way that they can't be scrutinized easily and the assembled product has no truthful connection to the host story, (but they do get the Ransom-Note Reporter paid).
All that was left of that Reverend Wright sermon was the Ransom-Note Report after FOX News had their way with it. They sure know how to cut you without getting caught.

Michelle Obama's college term paper got used to make a Ransom-Note Report by some scared white people. They're all forwarding it around like it was important. Somebody sure is trying hard to keep the Whitehouse white.

Shoot, all that Bill O'Really guy does is Ransom-Note Reporting. He wouldn't have a job if he had to tell the truth.
by WNYmathGuy April 21, 2008
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It is a level of stupid below retarded. A person is so unschooled that they can't deal with reason or logic. This level of ignorance passionately rejects sound thinking by ignoring all arguments against their incorrect knowledge out of a feeling of fear/righteous, and cites only the faulty information from their original sources to bolster their incorrect information.
I just talked to that guy and thought he was on acid or insane, but he's just GOP-stupid.
by WNYmathGuy February 1, 2011
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