16 definitions by Vorlon007

Endemic to a particular relgion or area. Specialization of a species or genus so that it can only be found in a specific area.
I heard it was nabadigious people's day on the same day as Thanksgiving.
by Vorlon007 December 19, 2012
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leaving an imprint on the fabric of reality. It's like what ghosts do.
Their love was so strong it will impressionate throughout time.
by Vorlon007 June 11, 2015
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The highly stimulated clitoris - the man in the boat (when he is standing up and at attention. The female equivalent of the male penile erection.
The woman was so turned on her clitorecti was blatantly obvious through the tight bikini she was wearing. All she need do was gyrate slightly and it would cause her to undergo intense orgasms.
by Vorlon007 December 2, 2012
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Puta Maldita: a naughty girl. A girl who exhibits poor moral fiber and rejects ideas of restraint when it comes to anonymous sex and acting responsible. Alternatively, a Puta Maldita is a girl who can do what needs to be done when sexual energy can no longer be contained. Puta Malditas are also rumored to have fanged vaginas that can give painful circumcisions to unwary males.
Inez is a puta maldita. She went through every man at the gathering last night, paying no attention to blatant pornographic views provided by her activities being conducted on top of a glass ceiling. However, there was a subtle note of approval from the conservative Jewish faction known to support fringe anarchist artists.
by Vorlon007 October 30, 2016
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A person who is prone to outbursts of an excessive nature, usually over petty subject matter.
That fat lady (over there) is a coniptionista. All it takes is the slightest reference to something being overweight and she blows up. Often she gets outraged because people move out of the way as she lumbers down the street and moves into full coniptionista mode by launching into a tirade about prejudices inflicted on fat people, how requiring a fat person to purchase two seats on an airplane was unfair just because they are over 500 pounds, that there is a conspiracy by ruthless corporations to hypnotize people to overeat, how fit people are really fat people with low self-esteem, and so on. A coniptionista is very easily inflamed and readily seeks obscure reasons to explode and cause tension. Full coniptionista mode is achieved by foregoing all formalities and swearing in a manner that would embarrass sailors.
by Vorlon007 December 2, 2012
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Macramatic Fever is caused by the chromasomal-displacement of exotic nucleic acids within human DNA, and it causes the integrally challenged patient to suffer from macramatic fever, where the non-stop weaving of intermediary level macrame objects d'art. More of than not, the patient will have gained a C+ or even B for art classes in junior high, a somewhat critical juncture of a fledgling artist. In the more pronounced cases of Macramatic Fever, the patient will weave their toes into complicated cords that eventually immobilize the body. If left alone for extended periods, sufferers of Macramatic Fever are often found expired in a highly restrained environment.
Even though Cindy got a "B" in art class when she was 14, it was not high enough to escape the clutches of Macramatic Fever upon her return from Borneo. She had woven a cocoon around herself, hoping she could emerge a butterfly. But this was not to be. The papers said she was found dead in her London flat, her feet and hands bound together in an extremely complicated knot created by own exquisite macrame skills.
by Vorlon007 October 30, 2016
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An elderly woman who baby sits a slut in recovery from excessive sexual adventures.
My poot-nanny came over after a multi-participant sex binge I had been on over the summer. She monitored the phone and door, not letting anyone disturb me as I recovered and prepared for my next adventure. Every good fucker needs a poot-nanny to maintain peak performance.
by Vorlon007 October 30, 2016
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