12 definitions by Visor

"1337N355" does mean leetness
- woo! i'm the 1337N355
by Visor December 8, 2003
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- Okay, eot.
- EOT.
by Visor December 13, 2003
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f'ward = forward
by Visor December 8, 2003
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Abbrevation of
1. South Park
2. Service Pack
Did you install sp2 to Windows XP? :)
by Visor December 8, 2003
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"vanilla quake 3" - Quake 3: Arena game without modifications, just Quake 3: Arena based on baseq3 with default physics.
- What physics of quake 3 do you preffer?
- I recommend vq3.
by Visor December 8, 2003
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- win3.1 is really cool!
- i preffer winXP
by Visor December 8, 2003
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"rlz" mean rulez (rules, rule)
- Linux RedHat 17.2 rulezzz!
- No, Windows 2010 rlz!
by Visor December 8, 2003
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