1 definition by Urdo78

The word for succes, sexiness, also word for dominant, maybe even win in some places. You are a Sid if you sit in great power - you could also be a Sid if you are very attractive and get the girl you want.

A Sid is someone a girl simply falls in love with in less than a second. A Sid can be playboy easily, since he is attractive.

Bill Gates is a Sid, Barack Obama is a Sid, too, but they aren't really playboys. A Sid might refer in some times as a succesful business man, who is simply very street smart. Sid is also a male name.
Example 1, great power, Playboy:
Jim: How come you got two girls in just... Two days? You must be a Sid now!

Sid: I always been a Sid. Pussy is like breakfast to me, I get it everyday. Obey me.

Example 2, for win:

Bart: How about we make a rocket with mentos and diet coke?

Sam: Awwww YEAAAAH... That's gonna be Sid!!
by Urdo78 April 28, 2012
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