10 definitions by Urbaxy

Giving your fanbase a 24 hour embargo on posting footage of your newest game online.
Seeing how the internet is and how people online be sometimes, this is an inevitable failure.

Named after Toby Fox's Deltarune, upon whose release Toby told fans to not post any footage of Deltarune for 24 hours, which failed miserably, as numerous gameplay videos and screenshots were quickly uploaded.
Person A: "The devs asked to not post footage for the next 24 hours."
Person B: "Do they not know that Deltaruning is pointless?? It's still gonna be posted somewhere, surely."
by Urbaxy November 23, 2019
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The Reddit equivalent to Discord's "Whitename":
A demi-derogatory term for the stereotype of a user who's new to a subreddit, and didn't pick a flair yet, hence the name. The flairless user is prone to breaking the rules because they don't realize what they are, miss out on a lot of the subreddit's inside jokes, and often say stuff that don't make sense because up until joining the subreddit they only participated in the cancerous and/or childish part of that fandom.
User A: "Does User C's post make any sense to you?"
User B: "No, not at all. But he's a flairless so I can't say I'm surprised."
User C: "...I'm right here."
by Urbaxy August 7, 2019
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a haha funny word.

Founded by Yona.
GBN: "can you stop saying that haha funny word?!"
Yona: "what word"
GBN: "you know, sas."
Yona: "oh right"
by Urbaxy December 1, 2019
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Being so upset about the death of your family that you become the villain of the next movie.
by Urbaxy February 9, 2021
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Tuna, if you're on a date.
Treasure, if you're a pirate.
"Ah, tuna, the chicken of the sea."
"Ah, treasure, the chicken of the sea."
by Urbaxy December 28, 2019
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A god-like diety who is inferior to Big Lion.
There's Pheb. She has seen the face of death. Hello Pheb...
by Urbaxy January 24, 2020
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A literal loose watery stool of the mind.

Could also be spelt "Cognitive Diarrhea", but it originated from a Brit, so we won't do that.
Saying that you are all the Sith is just cognitive diarrhoea, man.
by Urbaxy July 8, 2020
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