10 definitions by Unnamed

The hebrew word for Cuecumber, also, a person who is gay.
Ahi hu mamash melafefon.
(man hes such a melafefon)
by Unnamed October 28, 2004
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An illness that befalls among horny teenagers when they haven't gotten any action in awhile; feels like everyone you see you want to hook up with them.
I can't believe I hooked up with that girl...she's so ugly! I must have Hartman disease.
by Unnamed February 5, 2004
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an adjective used to describe someone having the qualities of Jon Bon Jovi
Note: Only used in the 17 page paper Cliff Redish wrote about Madison Werner
His smile is bon joviesque.
by Unnamed February 6, 2004
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A term used by people who don’t like calling people straight out assholes.
Why do you need to be such an arse?
by Unnamed October 11, 2003
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