3 definitions by Umkay

A crusted up piece of shit, mixed with toilet paper and lint, that hangs from the fuzz of your anal treasure hole.

See Also: Dingoberry or Dingle Berry
Hey, Im not licking that with a fuzz nugget hanging from it...Grose!
by Umkay November 7, 2007
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Poop, toilet paper and lint rolled up into tiny balls that get stuck to the fuzz of your anal treasure hole! Also known as Fuzz Nuggets!
When making number 2, sometimes the toilet paper can get stuck to the rim of your hole. Then, while pulling up your pants, lint adds itself to the collection. Later, while in the shower, you reach down, only to find a wad of toilet paper, lint and poop all rolled up in a tiny little ball or balls creating what is known as the Dingoberry {Ding-O-Bear-Re}.
by Umkay November 7, 2007
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Poop, toilet paper and lint rolled up into tiny balls that get stuck to the fuzz of your anal treasure hole! Also known as Fuzz Nuggets!

When making number 2, sometimes the toilet paper can get stuck to the rim of your hole. Then, while pulling up your pants, lint adds itself to the collection. Later, while in the shower, you reach down, only to find a wad of toilet paper, lint and poop all rolled up in a tiny little ball or balls creating what is known as the Dingle berry {Ding-Ol-Bear-Re}.
by Umkay November 7, 2007
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